Senin, 10 September 2012

Bold Italic Strikethough Underline Delete Insert


Address Effect


PreFormatted Effect
(2 spaces before)  PreFormatted Effect

(5 spaces before and after)     PreFormatted Effect

The code effect line 1
The code effect line 2
The code effect line 3

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Unordered List
  • Unordered List
  • Unordered List
  • Unordered List
Ordered List
  1. Ordered List
  2. Ordered List
  3. Ordered List


BlockQuote. A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that not allows allows individuals and organizations to provide their own website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server they own for use by their clients as well as providing Internet connectivity,

typically in a data center. Web hosts can also provide data center space and connectivity to the Internet for servers they do not own to be located in their data center, called colocation.

Text Align

Text align Left

Text align Center

Text align Right

Align Justify: A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that not allows allows individuals and organizations to provide their own website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server they own for use by their clients as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center. Web hosts can also provide data center space and connectivity to the Internet for servers they do not own to be located in their data center, called colocation.

A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that not allows allows individuals and organizations to provide their own website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server they own for use by their clients as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center. Web hosts can also provide data center space and connectivity to the Internet for servers they do not own to be located in their data center, called colocation.

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